Financial Modelling, Cost Reviews & Strategic Advice

Vancouver CFO Services

Is your business looking to grow, raise money or find cost savings? Maybe you just want some advice on defining your strategy or making one off major CAPEX decisions. These are all things that Stephen Beard, the Managing Director of Plyo Bookkeeping can help with.
You can save yourself time and money by adding the CFO level services that you require to your monthly bookkeeping package on an a la carte basis. Starting prices for services are given below, but for a more accurate quote please book a call.

Financial Modelling

When living in the UK, Stephen was the Financial Director for one of the UK’s largest online alcoholic drinks retailers. He went through multiple equity raises, and has excellent experience in building and presenting financial models. Whether you need a financial model for external investors, or an internal budget or forecast for managing supply chains and operations – we can build and maintain these for your company. The starting price for this service is $1,000 per month, with price varying depending on complexity and exact requirements.

Internal Cost and System Reviews

If you’re concerned that your costs are too high, we can help you perform a thorough review of all expenditures. We’ll go through all of your recorded expenses and prepare a checklist by supplier. More established businesses often find themselves paying for licences or services which they no longer need or use. We can also review your internal back office processes to make sure that work is not being repeated and valuable staff time wasted. We can perform this remotely, or in person if your business is based in the Greater Vancouver area. We’ll build an internal diagram of information flows within your company, and then highlight any inefficient or redundant processes that we find. The starting price for this service is $2,000, with price varying depending on complexity and exact requirements.

Financial Review & Strategic Advice

If your business is looking at making a major financial decision, such as whether or not to buy a long term asset, we can help put meaningful numbers and estimates on the potential risks and values of making such an investment. We can also offer advice and a CFO view point on other ad hoc business decisions that you may be facing. The starting price for this service is $500 for a consultation session, with price varying depending on complexity and exact requirements.